If you or someone you know is a star at growing veggies, you might be interested in a photo contest that Stokes Seeds announces in this email, which came across my desk this afternoon:
Across the gardening industry it has been noted that vegetable gardening has become extremely popular again. This is probably due to communities across North America, setting up "eat local" campaigns as well as the rising prices of fresh vegetables in our grocery stores.
This year Stokes Seeds plans to help new gardeners plan, plant and harvest their own fresh vegetables. We are asking you, our valued customers to help. We are in need of photos of vegetable gardens to accompany articles and possibly be featured on the front cover of our catalog. A photo of you working in your garden would also be of interest to us.
Stokes will award 4 of the best photos with a $25.00 gift certificate from Stokes. If your photo is chosen for our catalog cover, a $100.00 gift certificate will be awarded. Any photos used will include a photo credit with your name and the area you are from.
If you use a digital camera for your photo, please make sure it is set at the highest resolution for the best printing quality. Send in digital photos to jadam@stokeseeds.com.
Prints can be sent to:
Joan Adam
Stokes Seeds Ltd.
Box 10
St. Catharines ON L2N 3M5
Please make sure you include your name and address with your submissions.
This is wonderful and that is quite a haul from last year!! I tried to email you but it came back! I was going to have you look at my weather...we're still getting it but I see you are in for it too!! Batten down and good luck!! I'll be thinking of you...don't get near a window right when a bolt of lightning hits like I did!!! Whew that was scary!!!