Flowers seem to be a week or two late this year. We've had very cool temperatures, and lots of rain. The past two nights have gone down to 6.5 degrees C (43F), and daytime temperatures are comfortable. Is this really July?
I'm liking this summer very much. Heat and humidity: who needs it? Apparently, the tomatoes do: they're not growing well at all, but I only have three plants.
Here's a selection of what's in bloom right now:
Echinacea pallida is among the first flowers to bloom in our meadow
Persicaria polymorpha has been in bloom for a month: what a plant!
My semi-circular border with Persicaria, blue oat grass, Stachys officinalis and a silly-looking puff-ball Allium christophii (self sown, front right)
Eryngium giganteum (Miss Willmott's ghost) and Knautia macedonica
in our Piet Oudolf-inspired border (now the wild garden)
Photo: David Rees
Border mainstay: Echinacea purpurea
Photo: David Rees
In the meadow, the more delicate E. pallida
Lots of daylilies coming on now
Clematis 'Duchess of Albany', lady's mantle and lavender
in the four-square garden
In containers, we have my husband's seed-grown Agapanthus
My favorite Whichford pot in the front courtyard with wave petunias,
million bells, sweet potato vine and burgundy Dracena
At the front steps, a Canadian made pot (Night & Day Studio) with wave petunias and verbena, Cerinthe major (not in flower yet), white and purple Nierembergia in neighboring pots
Featured comment: Greetings from Night and Day Studio in Mount Forest!
Thank you for the credit on a fine terracotta planter, but unfortunately it is not ours. I do believe it is also a Whichford planter (applied lattice work). Thanks anyway and happy gardening!
Paul Kaye- owner-Night and Day Studio
For more contributions to Garden Bloggers Blooms Day, head on over to May Dreams.
© Yvonne Cunnington, Country Gardener
I love your combinations with color & texture!
ReplyDeleteWow Yvonne,
ReplyDeleteI am speechless! I just have to take it all in. Sadly I'm seeing a few plants that I'd left behind in NY. That Eryngium is spectacular and very lush for a droght hardy plant! I will look for Miss Willmott's ghost! I'm looking forward to that meadow in full bloom. Something I've always wanted to try and now can, Agapanthus! How beautiful.
And your containers....unbelieveable!
All you hard work and devotion has paid off Yvonne! You have such a beautiful landscape!
Your planters should be in a gardening magazine (maybe they have been!)
ReplyDeleteI plan to bookmark your blog. Loved the tour.
I garden in MD. In my 4th summer with this garden and lots of plans for the future.
Wow, very impressive garden you have, I really like the Seaholly Thistle. Happy GBBD!
And there. I was just feeling so proud of my garden when I come over here and am simply bowled over. The grasses in your semicircular bed are a gorgeous structural element, the containers are wonderful and the four square garden makes me want to walk into the picture and see what is back there.
ReplyDeleteSo glad I stopped by.
Spectacular! The cool weather hasn't seemed to slow things down there at all.
Your garden is breath taking! I'm in Brantford so I have been experience the same cool season. It's getting a little old I must say!
ReplyDeleteYour Eryngium giganteum is beautiful and your photograhy is always inspiring.
ReplyDeleteYou did a wonderful job on those planters! The colors and textures you used are very striking.
ReplyDeleteYvonne .. you have such a beautiful piece of heaven there !
ReplyDeleteI have Miss Willmott's Ghost too .. but I think it isn't getting quite enough sun .. I only have the foliage and it is in its second year .. that is a wonderful pairing I want to remember !
My lilies aren't blooming .. Star Gazer or Casa Blanca .. is it because of the cooler temperatures you think ?
Wow, thank you all for visiting and for your kind comments. You made my day!
ReplyDeleteSusie, I'm lucky to have lots of space to play with color and texture. So far, there hasn't been that much color, but all my mid-summer stalwarts are on deck to bloom. Eve, thanks so much. I appreciate your support of this blog and always look forward to your faithful visits.
Marcia, those pictures of the containers might not make it into a magazine, but they will find a home on my website. (I'm my own stock photographer.) Thanks, Outside In, for stopping by, and healingmagichands, welcome. Glad to make your acquaintance. You have an amazing blog.
Robin, I'm honored that you visited, and Dan, it's a day later now and summer temperatures have arrived. Let's enjoy them. Heirloomgardener, thank you. That picture of the Eryngium giganteum is by my garden helper David Rees, who is no slouch as a photographer. Kristin: In past years I haven't lavished a lot of attention on containers, but I decided to really work on them this year. Thanks for noticing. GardenJoy4Me, thanks for your comment and visit. Your lilies should be bloom soon, as we are now getting some warmer weather.
Happy gardening/Yvonne
Yvonne, the gardens are grand. I so enjoyed looking through your pictures. Your gardening talents shine. The color in the semi-circular border is terrific! Love the blues and the bright green. And I've added Persicaria polymorpha to my want list. :) I haven't done much with containers. I lean toward plants that don't need to be watered. We water when first planting, but don't water our flower beds otherwise. But your containers make me want to give them a try. Beautiful! Nice to see you mention Piet Oudolf. His "Designing with Plants" is one of my favorite garden books. Thanks for taking the time to share your garden. ~~Rhonda
ReplyDeleteYes, who needs heat and humidity indeed. Not me. Your prairie flowers were wonderful with their delicate beauty. Thank you and Happy Bloom Day.~~Dee
ReplyDeleteHi Yvonne
ReplyDeleteYour garden and your skilled photography of its plants and features continue to impress me. The Persicaria polymorpha is definitely on my list of plants to get next - and those clay pots!!
Stunning!!! Makes all the hard work worthwhile!!!
ReplyDeleteLinzi x x x
Thank you, Rhonda, Dee, Salix and Linzi. I appreciate your visits and comments. I'm blushing....
ReplyDeleteYour garden is amazing! My husband wandered up looking over my shoulder and exclaimed, "That's her garden?!" He has garden envy;)
ReplyDeleteSylvana: Thanks for sharing that. I'm blushing.
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Night and Day Studio in Mount Forest!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the credit on a fine terracotta planter, but unfourtunately it is not ours. I do believe it is also a Whichford planter (applied lattice work). Thanks anyway and happy gardening!
Paul Kaye- owner-Night and Day Studio