The following quote is from Environment Canada's Ontario Weather Review - June 2007, where you can find the numbers for the city nearest to you.
Did this June seem a bit warm to you? You're right - it was.Here's what the site had to say about the amount of rainfall in Hamilton, the city closest to us:
Temperatures across the province were warmer than normal and in some cases two to three degrees above the standard. In general, Northwestern and Central Ontario had the warmest temperatures, but some locations in Southern Ontario were toasty as well.
Unlike June of 2006, the precipitation tended to be wetter than normal in the north. Like last June, though, it was drier than normal in the south. The higher-than-normal precipitation values were largely due to series of thunderstorms that dumped large amounts of rain in short periods of time. Dryden, one of the wettest locations, had four days where the daily rainfall was greater than 20 millimetres, with one of those days exceeding 40 millimetres.
Precipitation in millimetres: 32.6
Normal: 83.9
Difference: -51.3
Driest Since: 1991
By the way, this is generous, as it puts the city at about 1.1 inches of rain. Where we live, west of the city, we had less than an inch all month.
Hi, its been a while since I visited, we are terribly dry up here just south of Owen Sound also, did get a little sprinkle last week but not enough. Just 51mm last month. For a detailed record of rainfall nearer to you go to http://www.climate.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/advanceSearch
(sorry you will have to copy the thing and paste it to the adress bar)
Scrool to the bottom of the page and enter a nearby city and a radius and it will return ALL the reporting stations near you with their daily data. Does not help the plants but interesting to compare with the spot up the road that did get rain!