The most colorful spot in June - John's rock gardenMmmmm, it really smells sweet here right now, particularly in the evenings. At the side door, the last of Palibin lilacs waft their scent and from behind the house comes the lovely perfume of the black locust trees.
Dame's rocket growing under a stand of sumacs
naturalized area around our silo
Walk to
my husband John's rock garden, and there's the spicy fragrance of dianthus, mingled with that of dame's rocket, which grows wild under the sumacs nearby. Then at my
four-square garden, it's the peonies, just starting to bloom. I remember well when we first moved here - 11 years ago now - there was no garden, and very little scent - just the black locusts.
A June bouquet from the 4-square garden:
peonies, lady's mantle and Siberian iris
So what else is in bloom for this garden blogger's bloom day? Well, we have rock garden plants (that garden has never looked better) - too many to mention, even if I knew what they all were.
A closer view of a part of the rock garden
with pink creeping baby's breath, dianthus, alpine alyssum
In my flowerbeds, there's beautybush, giant white fleece flower (Persicaria polymorpha), false blue indigo (Baptisia australis), lady's mantle, Siberian iris and Allium christophii, Salvia offincialis, and catmint.
Persicaria polymorpha, beautybush and false blue indigo
in my semi-circular border
Except for the rock garden, June isn't as colorful in most of my garden as July is. That's because my orientation is the prairie style, based on lots of ornamental grasses and masses of mid- to late-season perennials. Still to bloom too is our prairie meadow, which comes into its own next month.
For lots more on June Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, head on over to
May Dreams Gardens.
© Yvonne Cunnington, Country Gardener