Thursday, October 12, 2006

Fleeting fall color

I love this time of year. I don't think my garden is ever more beautiful than in October. And the same goes for all of nature up here in Ontario.

I took the above picture two days ago, but now the leaves on the 'Autumn Purple' ashes in the background have already been blown off. I've learned the hard way (many times!) that if you don't get out there with your camera the moment you see those "oh, my God shots", they're gone.

The weather is turning fast. After an achingly beautiful and very warm Canadian Thanksgiving weekend (Oct. 9th this year), we had pelleting rains all day yesterday, and there's frost and even a few flurries in the forecast for tonight, with tomorrow's daytime temperature in the single digits, around 8C! (That's 46F.)


  1. Gorgeous (as always) Yvonne! In that first picture, behind what I assume are the bleached out stalks of calamagrostis, what is the blueish purple stuff? I'm intrigued by something that tall and that color in the fall...

  2. Thanks! What you're seeing in the background are asters (native types grown from seed) in another bed. There's a big farm pond between the two beds and a bit of a rise in the land beyond that, which makes it all look like the plants are growing in the same bed. The asters aren't really that tall, maybe three feet or so.

    Cheers, Y

  3. Ah! Thanks for the explanation... it really does look like they are about 5-6 feet tall (if not larger) due to the perspective. You use "borrowed scenery" and design views very well.

  4. Wow... the picture of your garden is ravishingly dreamlike. that's the kind of day when you just want to walk around the garden and marvel.


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-Yvonne, aka Country Gardener